120 words0.6 min read

Established in 1937 the French ski resort Auron lies at 1600 metres altitude in the Alpes Du Sud region of the French Alps / Alpes.

With the highest lifts and ski slopes at 2452m the area is not snow sure. Over 281 snow cannons ensure artificial snow making covers 35km of trails, which equates to around 50 of the slopes.

42 pistes and trails means approximately 135km of runs. 21 Auron lifts have capacity to transport 26400 per hour.
The longest run is over 5km.

The mountain has 4% beginner runs or nursery slopes, 10% intermediate, 50% advanced slopes and 40% for experts

The nearest airport transfer to Auron is Nice at a distance of 90km or approximately 90 minutes driving time.

Their season runs from December to April.

Local time now is

Published On: August 29th, 2020Last Updated: August 29th, 2020Categories: Mountains & Ski Resorts, Weather Webcams, Webcam & Videos0.6 min readTotal Views: 538Daily Views: 1

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