Crondall Weather Blog

13 May, 2024

Detailed Weather Forecast for Crondall

2024-05-13T17:50:33+01:00Weather, Weather Forecasts|0 Comments

We are fortunate to have access to various suppliers of weather data - all of which tend to interpret the weather patterns and data bases slightly differently! The Norwegian Meteorological Institute we particularly [...]

14 Oct, 2023

Live Weather (km units) in Crondall (5 second updates) – iPad Landscape display

2023-11-03T17:09:39+00:00Crondall Current Data, Weather Station|0 Comments

If you prefer to see the current wind data in km/hr rather than mph then here's the current weather data in Crondall, laid out in a slightly fuller summary designed for landscape viewing on [...]

18 Aug, 2023

Crondall Weather YouTube Channel

2024-05-14T07:50:03+01:00Crondall Videos & Webcam, Webcam & Videos|0 Comments

Crondall Weather now has its own dedicated YouTube channel (our handle is @crondallweather) where we upload our daily timelapse videos every day. In addition we have separate playlists to allow you to quickly [...]

8 Aug, 2023

Current Weather on Mars

2023-08-08T17:01:39+01:00Astronomy, Other Trackers, Tools & Trackers|0 Comments

The Perserverance Rover was launched by NASA on 30th July 2020 and landed on Mars on 18th February 2021. It's planned to be live for at least one Mars year (about 687 Earth [...]

9 Aug, 2022

Latest Weather Conditions within 50 miles of Crondall

2023-11-18T14:33:21+00:00Current Weather Data, Weather, Weather Maps|0 Comments

All airports regularly publish data as to the latest weather conditions. These are know as METAR reports (METeorological Aerodrome Report) and there are ca. 77,000 available worldwide (you can pop over here to see [...]

17 Mar, 2022

Global Temperature Tracker 1880 to date

2024-05-10T18:43:23+01:00Other Trackers, Tools & Trackers|0 Comments

Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2021 tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest on record, according to independent analyses done by NASA and NOAA. This striking visualization presents monthly global temperature [...]

10 Jan, 2022

First, Last and Consecutive Days of Freezing Weather (<0c) Conditions in Crondall

2023-11-18T11:30:25+00:00Crondall Current Data, Weather Station|0 Comments

We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Although Crondall is only at 90m above sea level it tends to have its own micro-climate and in particular be a frost hollow. [...]

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