Daily, Monthly and Seasonal UV Statistics for Crondall
We've been collecting general weather data for Crondall since February 2006, but in late December 2020 added a UV sensor to allow us to start tracking the UV intensity. [...]
We've been collecting general weather data for Crondall since February 2006, but in late December 2020 added a UV sensor to allow us to start tracking the UV intensity. [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of the Snowfall we've recorded by day, so you can easily see the [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of the Barometric Pressure we've recorded in terms of average for the [...]
We've been collecting general weather data for Crondall since February 2006, but in late January 2020 added a solar sensor to allow us to start tracking sunshine hours, solar energy [...]
We've been collecting general weather data for Crondall since February 2006, but in late January 2020 added a solar sensor to allow us to start tracking sunshine hours, solar energy [...]
We've been collecting general weather data for Crondall since February 2006, but in late January 2020 added a solar sensor to allow us to start tracking sunshine hours, solar [...]
We've been collecting general weather data for Crondall since February 2006, but in late January 2020 added a solar sensor to allow us to start tracking sunshine hours, solar [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of the strength of the wind we've recorded in terms of 10min average [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of the dominant direction of the wind we've recorded so you can [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of the amount of wind we've recorded so you can easily see the [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of the rainfall we've recorded so you can easily see the variations [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's an easy to view monthly overview of: - highest temperature - average high temperature - mean temperature - average [...]
Here's a selection of charts showing how the weather is trending over various periods from the last 10 minutes to yesterday to last month and since last year. The charts are updated every [...]
We've been collecting weather data for Crondall since February 2006. Here's how these long term averages for Crondall are comparing to the current months' data for Temperature and Rainfall. [...]
Here's a complete summary of the weather by day, by month since February 2006. Using the drop down menu just select the month and then scroll down to see each day's averages. At the [...]