197 words1.5 min read

Here’s a selection of charts showing how the weather is trending over various periods from the last 10 minutes to yesterday to last month and since last year.

The charts are updated every 5 minutes or so – refresh the page to see the changes.

If you want to see more detailed numerical information, being refreshed automatically every 10 seconds or so then go here

Differences of current weather versus last 10mins, 30mins, 24hours, last month and last year

Crondall Weather Trends

Daily highs and lows for today compared to yesterday

Summary of Crondall Weather today compared to yesterday

Wind Direction over the last 12 and 24 hours

Summary of Crondall Weather wind direction over last 12 hoursSummary of Crondall Weather wind direction over last 24 hoursSummary of Crondall Weather wind direction and speed over last 24 hours

Wind Direction and Speed over the last 31 days

To convert from knots to mph add 15% as an approximation – so 10knots = 11.5mph

Wind Hours and Energy today, this month and year to date

Wind run is a measurement of how much wind has passed a given point in a period of time. A wind blowing at ten miles per hour for an entire day (24 hours) would give a wind run of 240 miles for the day.

Wind Energy in Crondall

Rainfall today, this week, month and year to date

Rainfall Statistics for Crondall

Solar strength today, this week, month and year to date

Solar Trends in Crondall
Solar Trends in Crondall

Snowfall today, this week, month, year to date and by year

Snowfall Trends in Crondall

Published On: May 7th, 2020Last Updated: October 8th, 2024Categories: Crondall History & Trends, Weather Station1.5 min readTotal Views: 1158Daily Views: 1

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