112 words0.6 min read

Today a severe storm crossed germany and caused lots of trouble for the pilots which had to land an airplane in western germany.

Storm “Friederike” was the strongest storm in germany since 11 years.

Pilots had to deal with wind speeds up to 75knts.

As a result I was able to film lots of “go arounds”. Some pilots had to do three approaches until they finaly managed to land at Düsseldorf. Other pilots just tried it once and diverted to other airpots, like the Delta Boeing 767-400 for example.

Especially the second landing, a Dash 8 of Eurowings did an incredible approach while fighting with extreme wind gusts at Düsseldorf Airport.


Published On: August 25th, 2020Last Updated: August 25th, 2020Categories: Extreme Weather, Hurricanes and Gales, Webcam & Videos0.6 min readTotal Views: 459Daily Views: 1

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